Saturday, May 26, 2012


We've recently enjoyed several weeks of clear blue skies with balmy temperatures in the mid twenties. But... one day last week it wasn't so. Instead, the southerly buster had descended, the sky was leaden, and it seemed the mood of those around had adapted to match the sky.

Suddenly I heard a plane taking off from the local airport, and I imagined that it would soar not only above the ground, but also above the clouds. As it made its way to Melbourne, the passengers would experience not the leaden skies of my terra-firma-bound current experience, but those clear blue skies that I love.

The experience reminded me that just above the clouds there is always a clear blue sky and the sun is shining bright and warm. If we can traverse life remembering that it only takes a breath of wind to blow the clouds away, whether literal or metaphorical, then deep within will be hope that springs eternal. No matter how dark the clouds we experience today, the winds of change can blow them away, bringing fresh warmth to our life, and clarity of vision in the bright sunshine that follows.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said Dad, Definitely a piece of advice to remember.