Carnival Luminosa 1st April 2024, 31 nights
Overall, fabulous!
- Staff - overall very good. Generally attentive and tried to please. Very professional in all encounters. Score 9/10
- Room- overall very good. A slight annoyance was the door between balconies rattling back and forth in the wind but quickly attended to by the room attendant and maintenance. Score 9/10
- Food - overall okay… really enjoyed the MDR food. Particularly appreciated the occasional afternoon high tea. Score 9/10
- Restaurants/Buffet - Layout quite good. Well laid out and accessible (with the caveat below in terms of safety). 8/10
- Safety - a major problem with this cruise ship are the tiles on the floor of the Lido. They are perpetually damp or downright wet. Although they seem to have people constantly mopping the tiles, and setting up floor dryer fans, they are still dangerously slippery. Score 6/10
- Entertainment - overall excellent. From the wonderful string duets and the solo or duet guitar/singers to the variety in the theatre, very good. 8/10
- Enrichment seminars - excellent speakers who provide interesting information about the geology, environment of habitats over which we were sailing. Score 9/10
- Communication - overall, very good. Captain and Cruise Director were clear, frequent and pertinent (and often entertaining) in the information they provided. Score 8/10
Overall, this cruise and its leadership scored 8/10 - we would definitely travel on this ship again!
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