Overall, awful!
- Staff - At times, lacklustre service. Score 6/10
- Room- overall quite good. Score 7/10
- Food - overall disappointing. 6/10
- The specialty restaurants were underwhelming. The MDR had a low ceiling that seemed to amplify noise, while the food was ordinary at best. Ice cream anyone? Not unless you are willing to pay. Burger? Same. Pizza? Same. Score 4/10
- Safety - all seemed ok with no noticeable danger points or defects. Score 8/10
- Entertainment - overall underwhelming. A couple of good performers that popped up now and then in the jazz bar, but otherwise lacklustre unless you paid extra. 4/10
- Enrichment seminars - non-existent. Score 0/10
- Communication - not present. Score 0/10
Overall, this cruise and its leadership scored 4/10. We would absolutely never travel on this ship again!
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